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Winter 2015 Energy Saving Tips

Winter 2015 Energy Saving Tips

winter 2015 heating energy saving tips

Heating System – Energy Saving Tips

winter 2015 heating energy saving tipsIf you do not already have a programmable thermostat, have one installed and keep it set to a lower temperature at night and whenever you are not at home. By simply lowering your thermostat 10 degrees during the night, you can decrease your heating bill by up to 20 percent.  According to the Sparta heating professionals, keep a close eye on the air filter in your heating and cooling system. Make sure that you replace it when appropriate and don’t wait until it’s already completely clogged to put in a new one.

Hold filter up to the light – if you can see through it the filter should be checked again in a couple of weeks.  If you cannot see light through the filter, chances are you have waited too long.  Keep track of filter changes on a calendar to help you remember.

Use a humidifier to increase the amount of moisture in the air. You feel warmer when there is more moisture in the air, allowing you to keep your thermostat set lower while maintaining a level of comfort, says the Sparta heating professionals.

Windows and Doors

Unless you are circulating fresh air into your home, keep doors and windows closed. When you do need to open up your home for more than a few minutes, make sure the heating system is turned off.  Make sure that all your storm windows are in place. If you need to add an extra barrier against the cold, install plastic over the windows.

Hopefully you have addressed any outside repairs before frigid temperatures arrived but if you discover snow on your basement floor – check your window frames for any cracks.  Fill them with silicon caulking as soon as possible.  Sealing large cracks in window frames can save you more than you would imagine on your heating bill.

Water Heater – Energy Saving Tips

  • Check your water heater and make sure that it is set no more than 125 degrees.
  • If your water heater is more than 5 years old, install a water heater blanket.
  • If your water heater is in an unheated area of your home, install pipe insulation to prevent heat loss.

More Winter Energy Savings Tips

  • You should have your heating and cooling system inspected and serviced annually by your reliable Sparta heating professional.
  • Broken window panes should be repaired along with any large holes in basements, crawlspaces and attics.
  • Exposed ductwork needs to be sealed. Ductwork sealing can be a great way to help your HVAC system run more efficiently, ensuring that heated or cooled air is going exactly where you want it.
We offer free estimates for all new and replacement heating & cooling equipment.


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