Maintenance heating equipment
It’s all timing, says the heating and cooling professionals of Sparta. Systems going bad often fail the first time they are turned on in any heating/cooling season. The Sparta heating and cooling contractor who services your equipment, and test-runs it during his maintenance call, will help you avoid this sad scenario.
The best advice we give homeowners is that the best way to keep your heating and cooling equipment working well is to have it checked annually by a Sparta heating and cooling service professional. For heating systems, that means a fall checkup before the peak heating season begins. For central air, spring is the season for this work.
Nothing is more frustrating than having equipment fail when you need it. Anyone who has had the experience knows that a furnace man is hard to find on the first very cold day of heating season. Here are two reasons why it is worth it to schedule a Sparta heating system maintenance checkup annually.
- Your equipment will be ready to run when the season starts.
- You can learn how your system functions, including:
- how to turn it on and off;
- what any dials and gauges mean;
- the parts you need to take care of between service calls;
- how to take care of them.
Since you are paying for the service call ask the Sparta heating professional to show you how the system works. You should take notes on the operation of your system for your home service maintenance notebook:
- Location(s) of emergency shut-off switches, and where applicable, supply shutoffs for gas and water;
- Directions for restarting the system; for a gas system, how to light the pilot (if it’s not automatic), and for oil, the location of the restart button;
- The normal readings for temperature, pressure and other gauges so that you will know if something is going wrong.