Maintaining whole-house humidifier
According to your local Sparta heating and cooling specialists, as a homeowner it is important to inspect the evaporative elements in either a drum style and pad or plate style humidifier once a month during the heating season and replace them yearly. It is crucial to solving poor indoor air quality issues which can lead to health problems.
The evaporative elements will pick up minerals from the water, and their constant exposure to hot air will dry them, reducing their capacity to absorb and hold water. This will cause the entire system to work harder just to keep the house comfortable. This ends up costing your household more for energy. This can get worse over time as the amount of dust and debris increases.
Air Quality Tips to Share
Tip #1 Change your air filter regularly. A clogged air filter does not do the job of filtering the air. A clean filter will make the system run more efficiently while capturing at least some of the pollutants in the air.
Tip #2 Increase the ventilation in your home. A big problem with indoor air is the fact that it is stuck in a fixed space. Getting fresh air inside helps to keep the air fresh. (You can use ventilation fans or window filters).
Tip #3 Clean your air ducts. Dust and debris can build up, making the perfect environment for mold, mildew, and microorganisms to grow unabated.
Tip #4 Install a HEPA (high efficiency particulate air) filter. You will need to install a special air blower for this, but it will give you the most air cleaning possible.
Tip #5 Use the fan hood over the stove. Cooking fumes can add a lot to indoor air problems. Using the fan helps to draw those fumes our of your household living space.
Tip #6 Address moist areas because anywhere you have water leaks, you may have mold and mildew growth.
Tip #7 Call your local Sparta HVAC contractor and ask your reliable heating or air conditioning contractor to check your heating and cooling system to make sure it is sized and operating properly to remove humidity. I your system is too big or if the airflow is incorrect your air conditioner will not remove humidity like it should. Also, ask to have your duct system checked for air leaks, and proper size and air flow to each room.
HVAC TRADE SECRETS: Drip style humidifiers require less cleaning because the flow of water over their surfaces helps prevent mineral deposits and mold from forming. Drum style units need more attention because the drum is more likely to develop mold growth. If the evaporative element is serviceable and not caked with minerals, you can wash it in a mild dishsoap solution. Rinse it well and replace it.