Boiler Installation, Service, & Replacement
Most of us have reliable hot water. It’s a given, a necessity, and a part of the fabric of everyday life. Many households generate hot water, and in some cases central heat, from a boiler. Is your boiler working properly? Is it time for a new, more efficient boiler, or just a tune up? R. Poust, Inc. can help you to navigate all your options when it comes to the hot water needs of your family and your home. We offer quality solutions for boiler installation, service, repair, and replacement. We have the information that you need, starting with an assessment of your current boiler, and an honest quote for services.
Boiler Installation
Have you purchased a boiler and need installation? Our team of professionals is here to help. If you know that you need to purchase and install a new boiler, we can help you find an ideal model for your needs, too. Boiler installation is not for the faint of heart, and is almost never the right time for testing out your DIY skills. You want to be 100% sure that your hot water is working properly, efficiently, and operating at a safe temperature for your household. Don’t hesitate to call us for a quote. We will be straightforward and transparent throughout the process help find and install the boiler that you need. If you already have the boiler, that’s just fine. Give us a call or email to discuss your boiler and when we can get it installed.
Boiler Service & Repair
Though new gas boilers are more efficient, we completely understand that our customers want to get the most longevity possible out of their existing home appliances. If the property’s existing boiler is not working as it should, we can assess issues like poor pump placement, improperly sized piping, clean up wiring, install safety switches and code updates. In many cases, a repair can extend the life of a boiler. Routine maintenance is also incredibly important for boilers. Whether you are hanging on to an aging boiler that’s working for now, or you’ve installed and warrantied a new boiler – routine maintenance can be beneficial. It’s a great way to not only extend the lifetime of your boiler, but also to keep it in tip-top shape. Simple check-ups have the added benefit of warning you if there are problems up ahead, so that you can prepare financially.
Boiler Replacement
If your existing boiler is older than 10 – 15 years old, it is likely that the best option is to replace it with a newer model. There is no getting around the fact that new boilers are far more efficient than older models. It’s more money upfront to buy a new boiler than to repair an old one, but the increased efficiency and reliability will make up for the hassle and expense.
The AFUE (Annualized Fuel Utilization Efficiency) rating given to newer boilers is usually over 95%. Though well-maintained boilers will last longer than neglected ones, the older boiler’s AFUE rating is far lower – typically around 55%. It may be a tough decision, but it is important to consider the long-term impact and cost of running it daily when assessing your next move. The experts here at R. Poust can give you an honest quote and inspection to determine whether servicing or replacing is the best option for your home and situation. We offer flexible financing options for our valued customers, as well as generous warranties on our products and services. Don’t hesitate to set up an appointment for a quote today!