Every year, homeowners in the Sparta Township, NJ area should prepare their air conditioners during the springtime
for the arrival of the summer months in the near future. Experiencing an air conditioning issue in the middle of the summer heat can be extremely uncomfortable and inconvenient, so all residents should take the time to review the following tips to ensure their system is prepped and ready to go before the temperatures in New Jersey begin to soar.
Examine and Wash the Condenser Outside
Many homeowners tackle this task in the fall, but cold weather winds tend to blow leaves, sticks, and other debris around, so it is a good idea to perform a thorough examination and extract any debris from the unit. If the air stays warm enough to ensure that there is no chance of freezing, spray the unit with a hose to cleanse it from any lingering dirt or dust. In addition, check for any destructed pipe insulation and make sure all damages are restored as necessary.
Switch out Your Air Filter
If you changed the air filter at the start of winter, you still might want to consider doing so again to get ready for the warm temperatures. The filter is organized to intercept and prevent debris from getting into the system and causing problems, and when a filter is used for an extended period of time, it is likely to get clogged. Since your unit has to allow air inside for it to work correctly, the machine has to ensure extra strain in order to get in air through a clogged filter. The best means of assuring your system is not needlessly strained is to switch out the filter.
Wash Gills and Vents
Take time to clean both your supply vents and return grills, making sure they are cleaned thoroughly and have no trace of debris. Clearing the gills and vents out completely helps ensure they will remain effective during the summertime. While you are at it, you may want to vacuum any signs of hair or miscellaneous debris that may have built up over the winter months.