Running your heating and cooling system is what costs you the most in utilities. Maybe you’ve been cutting costs by bumping it up to the recommended 78 degrees during the summer, and you usually remember to set it even higher when you’re not home. In the winter, you set it at 68 and wear a sweater. You save a little, but you also may experience a lot of discomfort. What if you could save much more and be comfortable the whole time you’re at home?
Install a Mini-Computer Comfort Assistant
Stop thinking in terms of an old-fashioned thermostat. New models aren’t the little box on the wall with the plastic thing that slides back and forth. They’re advanced, with high-definition displays with onscreen assistants that walk you through decisions based on your goals, outdoor conditions, and your family’s regular routine.
Install an Energy Efficiency Expert
Programmable thermostats are one of the most inexpensive ways to take control of your life and your family’s comfort. Most have user interfaces that let you set it and forget it or adjust regularly from your smartphone.
Instead of sweating in the summer, program your HVAC to switch on 30 minutes before you head home. Since it didn’t run much all day, not only have you saved electricity, but the long cycle just before you get home effectively removes humidity from the air. Your home feels even cooler because it has reached optimal humidity.
The same thing happens in cooler weather. The heat only runs when you need it, and you reap the benefits.
Install Individualized Home Comfort
Every homeowner has different needs. Some want to choose different settings for weekends and weekdays without having to think about switching between the two. Others want reminders to change air filters. No matter what your needs, R. Poust, Inc., has the model that’s right for you. Contact us today to talk to an expert about programmable thermostats.